HealthyHerMidlife is all about inspiring midlife women to embrace health and wellness with accessible resources, motivational stories, and a supportive community for living their best lives every day. is a lifestyle publication exploring health, wellness and living your best midlife through wholehearted living, yoga and a vegan diet.
I’m a yogi (meaning I am someone who practices yoga regularly. I am nearly finished with my yoga teacher training 200-hour certification). I have been vegan since September 2019. I’m a writer, former newspaper journalist, and a communications and marketing professional.
But health and wellness has been my passion. For a long time.
While I was in college, I worked as a managing editor for a health letter for the medical community. Each month, we found and summarized peer-reviewed articles on medical studies about nutrition, preventive care and alternative therapies. I edited 30 to 50 summaries a month, for 10 years. There is a wealth of knowledge about how diet, lifestyle, nutrition and alternative therapies can reduce or reverse disease. I was witness to roughly 36,000 peer-reviewed studies, all published in traditional medical literature.
I also worked more than 10 years as a fitness instructor. I taught seven to 10 classes weekly for a very long time. Long enough to realize no matter how hard I workout, I may be growing muscles, but I can’t outwork my fork. I was exhausted, overwhelmed and overworked. In 2015, I decided I would no longer workout for others. Since then, I’ve explored and practiced only the exercises that I love. And that’s yoga (and a little pilates… and daily walks).
Now that I’ve hit my midlife years and am in the full moon of menopause, I find myself searching my memories and PubMed for data on how lifestyle affects menopause. Sadly (and not surprising), there’s not a lot of data. Turns out, most medical studies out there are on men.
I once had an amazing friend, Cathi Woods-Bacher. We were best friends, in fact. She was sooooo inspiring! She started a nonprofit organization called LeadHership to help all women realize their purpose, power and pricelessness in this world. She drew me in and we spent many, many afternoons dreaming about all of what LeadHership could become and how I could help.
And then in May 2020, Cathi died. And so has her organization. And that’s just sad. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had too much sad these last four years. I needed to do something, SOMETHING… for me, and for Cathi. So, in her honor, I named my blog HealthyHERMidlife… just so I had a piece of Cathi and her LeadHERship dream to carry forward.
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